Weekly Photo

Weekly Photo

Wednesday 4 April 2012


Over 15 years ago a dog named Sadie was adopted by a young, newly-married couple.  Sadie had already been adopted and returned at least once before and while she was not a bad girl she certainly was... enthusiastic about living life to the fullest.

The first few years were a challenge for Sadie and the young couple as they worked through Sadie's issues but they never gave up on her. Their persistence and dedication to her was rewarded when Sadie mellowed out and became the dog we all knew she could be.

As the couple's lives changed, so did Sadie's.  She moved to a different country with them, living in various places until they found their forever home by the ocean.  She made numerous driving trips across the country with them and, in the cases where she couldn't join them, waited patiently at home, being a good girl for the dog sitter, until her mom and dad came home again.

The years went by and her body began to show it's age.  Her once black muzzle grew white, joyful bounding and running was replaced with a careful, dignified gait and shiny fur began to dull.  But although her body aged, her spirit, that joyful, loving spirit, never changed. 

She still smiled:

and relaxed on the couch whenever the occasion called for it:

Although not my dog, Sadie is a part of my family. She belongs to my best friend Jess and her husband.  I've dogsat her, walked her, spent vacations with her, laughed over her silly antics and worried over the phone with Jess over the years about various health scares.

A few days ago, Sadie's mom and dad took their girl to the vet for the last time. 

Although Sadie's spirit and body, nearly 117 in dog years, were ready to say goodbye, it was still an agonizing decision for her mom and dad.  It is my hope that, even now during one of the darkest times of their lives, they will always remember how much Sadie loved them.

Sleep sweet Sadie girl.  You are so loved.

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