Weekly Photo

Weekly Photo

Friday 9 March 2012

Food Waste Friday

Last Friday's email exchange between Ben and I:
Me:  Babe, I have a new post up at the Simple Life.

Ben:  So, I see we're trying something new, Food Waste Friday, and apparently I'm in charge of it since I'll be doing the planning, shopping and cooking.

Me:  No honey I'll still help with the planning.

Ben:  Sure you will dear.  Just so we're clear, there will be NO food waste.  Looks like the girl and her cat Murray will be eating the buttermilk with a spoon.

Me:  No, no!  Honey, it'll be okay if we have some food waste. This is just a way of making us more aware of how much food we're wasting and try to be more careful with our planning and menus.  We'll probably have some food waste.

Ben:  Not on MY WATCH!!


Ben:  Then you shouldn't have made me in charge of Food Waste Friday.

So guess what?  It's our first Food Waste Friday and I'm proud to announce we have no pictures of food waste to share.  Not surprising since my mildly OCD husband is in charge of it.  Now there is a grapefruit that is slightly suspect but Ben thinks it'll be fine for breakfast tomorrow, and some grape tomatoes that are right on the edge but Ben assures me he will be consuming them for lunch tomorrow.
So although I was kind of looking forward to sharing a picture of some grody food that went moldy in the back of our fridge, it is nice that the first week of Food Waste Friday was a success...thanks to Ben!



  1. Welcome to Food Waste Friday, Ben/Harold and Kelly. Fantastic start.

  2. Haha. My husband is also a little more crazy with FWF. I noticed that since I started it, he comes home from work and eats little bits out of the fridge that need eating and comes up with great suggestions for our leftover bits. I like that it's a team effort.

  3. Oh, and congrats on no waste on your first FWF! I have yet to have that coveted post!

  4. Thanks guys! Jess, my husband ate some questionable tomatoes just so he could have a "no food waste" on his first week. Hee!

  5. Way to take one for the team, Ben!
